Pada tahun 2014, aku dah hapuskan semua entry tentang Herbalife sebab nak bersihkan benda-benda sepatutnya.
Jadi tahun 2015, kita slip kan sedikit demi sedikit entry baru tentang coachee kami. Okey? ;)
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Result is not typical. Individual result may vary. |
Turun 9kg berat.
Turun 5% lemak.
Naik 3.7% air.
Umur badan daripada 72 kepada 60!!!
Visceral fat from 11 to 9.
Ini adalah result Aunty Doctor. Lost 9kg dalam setahun. MashaAllah. She's 55 years old. So if you are thinking, "Orang muda boleh la" atau "Lelaki bolehla", hapuskan segalanya. Hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih.
On off Weight Loss Program
Kadang-kadang aunty ambik weight loss program kadang-kadang ambik healthy breakfast je bila malas tukar-tukar gear. LOL. Boleh kan tukar-tukar gear. Kalau ambik weight loss program, minum shake 2 x sehari, dah nama pun wt loss program, result InsyaAllah weight loss. Kalau ambik healthy breakfast program, minum shake 1x sehari dan jaga makan sepanjang hari (we will give suggested mealplan based on your BMR), sebenarnya untuk weight maintenance sahaja. Cuma it make sense if you continue to eat calorie lower than what you use, boleh lose weight jugak. Although speed akan jauh lebih slow berbanding anda minum shake 2 x sehari. Faham? Macam tulahh.
Consumers who use Herbalife Formula 1 twice per day as part of a
healthy lifestyle can generally expect to lose around 0.2 to 0.5 kg per
So bila aunty tukar-tukar gear, turun 9kg jugak setahun. Yayyy!!! Ting ting tinggg. MashaAllah.
Yang aku suka coachee macam Aunty Doktor ni, beliau mempunyai attitude yang bukan sahaja memberi kesan baik dalam weight loss, tetapi juga dalam kehidupan. Sebelum aku ceritakan lebih panjang tentang attitude, let me tell you her circumstances first.
1. Usia 55 tahun. So kalau ikut circumstances, patutnya susah la nak kurus sebab metabolism slow, susah nak jaga makan dah tua-tua ni, dan sebagainya.
2. She's a doctor. Still working. So we can cross the "I don't have time to jaga makan" line in our head.
3. Selalu ada meeting in her work place. So now we can cross the "Susah nak jaga makan meeting banyak."
4. Her workplace is one hour from her home. Imagine drive pergi balik everyday. So again, we can cross, "Tak sempat buat breakfast. Kena pergi kerja awal" thing.
Apa attitude yang aku nak cerita tadi. We know some people (or perhaps ourself heheh) have this thinking yang kite tak perasan, 'All or nothing' thinking.
Contohnya All-or-Nothing Attitude yang SERING menjadi PUNCA KEGAGALAN program kurus:
- Anda nak turun 5kg sebulan. Tapi minggu pertama anda turun 0.5kg je. Terus give up program/tukar program.
- Pengambilan kalori suggest untuk anda sehari adalah 1100kcal contohnya. Kalau berjaya konsisten ambil 1100kcal sehari anda boleh turun 1kg seminggu. 3 hari pertama anda berusaha, asyik tergelincir makan terlebih 100kcal-200kcal sehari. Terus give up dah taknak jaga kalori.
Aunty ni steady. Expectation aunty bergantung kepada usahanya. If she knows she had been cheating her meal, she wouldn't expect so much result. Her weight loss program adalah stress-less dan tertumpu kepada kesihatan dan long term result. Kalau terlebih makan kalori, besok belajar kurangkan. Kalau first month gagal? 2nd month ada. Pendek kata, nak undergo weight loss program pun kita kena first accept yang diri kita ni MANUSIA. Kita ada kelemahan. Kadang-kadang kite tak tahan nak makan jugak, atau ada hari kite give up minum air. JUST BE CONSISTENT, because there's nothing you can get from giving up. Last sekali, she have achieved much better than these all-or-nothing group.
Baru-baru ni timbang aunty, she gained 1kg. We were so worry, but before we opened our mouth she said, "Don't worry about me, I am very happy with Herbalife." Sambil gelak-gelak.
Kesimpulannya: good Herbalife customer (actually a successful weight loss program overall lah bukan herbalife je), is someone who is prepared to change his/her lifestyle. And it is one step at a time. If you are not ready to change lifestyle, healthy and permanent weight loss is not gonna happen.
If you want to start Herbalife, you must be prepared to be walked through a lifestyle changing journey. Bukan beli produk semata-mata. And in order for us to help you, commitment to change your eating habit must be equal with our effort in coaching you. I CANNOT PULL YOU UP if you choose to sit down.
Disclaimer :
*Product result is not typical. Individual result may vary.
*All statements in this blog have not been evaluated by the MOH.
*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
*All statements in this blog have not been evaluated by the MOH.
*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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